Terms and Conditions

Commerzbank Zrt., Budapest

General Terms of Business
(The amendment to the General Terms of Business of Commerzbank Zrt. within the scope of Act V of 2013 and Act IV of 1959 in a consolidated form.) Text effective as of 1st December, 2022
download [pdf, 386 KB]

General Terms of Business
(Prevailing for contracts falling under the scope of Act No. IV. from 1959) Text effective as of 15 August, 2022
download [pdf, 300 KB]
General Terms of Business
(Prevailing for contracts falling under the scope of Act No. IV. from 2013) Text effective as of 15 August, 2022
download [pdf, 265 KB]

General Contractual Conditions related to deposit contracts

General Lending Conditions

General Conditions for Guarantee Business

General Terms and Conditions of Electronic Banking Services


List of Conditions



Dear Client,

We would like to inform you that Commerzbank Zrt. has amended its General Terms of Business and its General Conditions of Lending. We would also like to call your attention to the commencement of application of such amendments. In the case new contracts the amendments shall apply as of January 1, 2016, and in the case of existing contracts the application shall commence upon agreement of the offer for such in accordance with section 1.3.1 of the General Terms of Business.

Budapest, December 30, 2015.
Commerzbank Zrt.


Dear Client,

we are pleased to inform you that the General Conditions related to deposits of Commerzbank Zrt. for all customers will be modified with effect of 15 th February 2016. The customer letter containig the modification proposal has been sent by post to you on 4th January 2016. The content of the letter is available here .

Budapest, 4th January 2016
Commerzbank Zrt.


Dear Client,

we are pleased to inform you that the list of conditions of Commerzbank Zrt. for corporate customers will be modified with effect of 12 th October 2015 and the list of conditions for small and medium-sized customers will be modified with effect of 12th November 2015. The customer letter containig the modification proposal has been sent by post to you on 3th September 2015. The content of the letter is available here .

Budapest, 18th September 2015
Commerzbank Zrt.


Dear Client,

we are pleased to inform you that Commerzbank Zrt. modifies its List of Conditions for corporate customers with effect of 7th September 2015.

Paragraph 14) Cut-off times will be changed as follows:

Domestic electronic orders (HUF)
currently: 3:30 p.m.
as from 7th September 2015: 4:00 p.m.

In this paragraph the term of Postal cheques will be modified to Postal payment orders.

All other parts of the above mentioned condition list remain unchanged.

Budapest, 19th August 2015
Commerzbank Zrt.

General Terms of Business


Dear Client,

we are pleased to inform you that the list of conditions regarding securities for corporate customers will be modified with effect of 20th December 2017. The modified list of conditions is available here .

Budapest, 20th December 2017
Commerzbank Zrt.

Please find additional documents regarding terms and conditions on the German and Hungarian versions of this website.